Wednesday, July 2, 2014

·       Mortgage rates took a dive this week.
 Reports showed the gross domestic products declined by 2.9% for the first quarter of 2014. With a weak economy investors get nervous and move their money to safer investments. The 30 year fixed rate declined to 4.28% versus last year at this time 4.61%
·       Sellers: Don’t try to sell a smelly house.
If you are selling your home, it needs to look a little better, smell a little fresher, and be priced competitively with the other houses for sale in your area.
·       Could there be another down turn in the Real Estate market?
The Real Estate Market has not done a turnaround yet. The true unemployment being at an all-time high, college grads with too high debt to income ratio, too many homes underwater, and the expiration of the Debt Forgiveness Act. These circumstances may lead to another downturn in the Real Estate Market.
·       Ways your home can make you go broke
Buying a home out of your league can lead to foreclosure and even bankruptcy. Overlooking small repairs to save a few bucks can lead to major repairs down the road. Cutting corners on home improvements, by doing it yourself or hiring an unlicensed Contractor may lead to major problems with permits and code enforcements
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